Hope's Compass has been established to create opportunities for community unity to grow one tiny, mighty, beautiful step at a time through meaningful civic engagement. 

We accomplish this by:

  • Meeting you at the intersection of creativity, curiosity, and community;

  • Engaging with people to meet, greet, learn, and connect as a path for fostering belonging;

  • Initiating and/or facilitating proactive, respectful and inclusive community-based, civic-minded events.

News: We are now able to accept donations and charitable contributions to bring these projects to fruition.

That link is: Hope’s Compass Fund | Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan (cfosny.org)

Thank you for your support.


As a conduit artist, I blend creativity with curiosity and community to create events.

What does that look like?

  • Poems for local arts installations

  • Sculptures for community stages

  • Community projects that are the focal point of unity celebrations

  • Articles for the newspaper to share the good news about community based, home grown projects


While here, you will see some works in progress, some artist dates and some moments of play.

You are invited to browse, come back again and contact me for work for hire.

Loosen up your shirt collar, take a breath of fresh air, a pause, and a step off of the path.

Let’s embark on a community event!

Good Things Are Happening

Where Curiosity and Creativity Connect with Community

Click the flyer to see the amazing schedule. We have authors, artists, survivors (1-3G) and more.

Here is the QR code for The Hope’s Compass Fund where you can make your donation. Thank you for your support.


I so enjoy reading your poetry and script~Delphie Joy, Australia

You are incredible!!!! ~Shannon, NY

WOW!!!! Hope- thank you so much! It was great yesterday!~Ilana, NJ

Woman on a mission! Mission complete!~Janet, NY